How to Care for Thyroid Cancer After Surgery

How to Care for Thyroid Cancer After Surgery

The thyroid gland is a hormone-producing area, responsible for all metabolism of the body and was a small butterfly-shaped endocrine organ surrounding the respiratory tract. In childhood, it secreted hormones necessary for growth, and in adulthood, it was an important place that involved all metabolic and circulatory functions of the human body.I was diagnosed with deterioration of function and anti-genuity depending on whether I secreted hormones too much or too little.

I was able to experience a phenomenon where my heart beats faster and I sweat and lose weight right away after a little activity. On the other hand, I could feel that low secretion slows my heart rate, makes me vulnerable to cold, reduces my metabolic function, and makes me more likely to gain weight.

I think a lot of people have heard about cysts and nodules after seeing a lot of ultrasound at the medical examination recently. Thyroid cysts, which can occur to anyone, are usually called water bumps, but they are made of liquid ingredients and are not made of self-developing cells, so they do not change into malignant cells and do not harm the body.When treatment is needed, the cells become larger and compress the airway and throat, and when they pop out like they are swollen and are not aesthetically good.

Different individuals may experience various symptoms if they visit in different conditions, but it was better to pay attention as it could lead to serious conditions of tumor development if left unattended despite being aware of it. Like all cancer species, postoperative management of thyroid cancer was very important. The risk of recurrence, side effects and aftereffects were considerable, so we had to maintain our physical strength, immune system, and take care of lymphoma at the same time. After thyroid cancer surgery, I checked the statistics before taking care of it and found that the cancer is increasing at a fast rate.In the case of the affected disease, the initial symptoms were not clearly visible and it was hard to notice, and when it was discovered in the early stages, the prognosis was better.However, as the number of people experiencing the disease is increasing, we recommended regular checkups for high-risk groups such as family history, hormonal factors, radiation exposure, lifestyle, thyroid disease, and immune system weakness.

As I mentioned earlier, it is sometimes called “silent cancer,” which is difficult to recognize the symptoms, and it is sometimes referred to as eye cancer because of the high survival rate. I wanted to let you know that it is most important to check it once a year. After thyroid surgery and before management, I was diagnosed with nodules or bumps in the area, but on average, about 10 percent of them can be determined. It could progress almost slowly, but the larger the cancer cells, the more likely they could spread to lymph nodes, which could infiltrate the surrounding tissue and cause overall problems. Most of them were diagnosed with papillary cancer, and there were various types of cancer, such as hypodifferentiated cancer and water quality cancer, depending on the form and type.

After that, it would have been better to carefully check the radioactive iodine treatment and decide. Many people did not experience symptoms in the early stages and missed early detection.However, if cancer cells spread to peripheral organs and the bump erodes in the vocal cords, they could experience difficulty in swallowing and breathing, and if they felt these symptoms, they had to check for the disease. Next, I think chronic fatigue, lethargy, foreign body sensation in the throat, and pain are the representative symptoms, but they don’t really have to do with it. It is recommended to check periodically and then take care of them in a place where standard treatment takes into account weapons, location of occurrence, type of occurrence, and physical health.Then, I had to check the prevention method first before checking the management of thyroid cancer after surgery.

First of all, if the size of the nodule suddenly increased or the voice changed with a resting collar, it would have been better to suspect it if it was found during the examination or if a hard lump touched the neck and rims.When the esophagus or respiratory tract feels compressed, when you swallow food or saliva, when you feel a foreign body sensation, when you feel difficulty breathing, when you feel a pain in your neck, and when you gain weight, it’s a sign. If you are diagnosed with thyroid cancer, you have to consider surgery. Prectomy and lobectomy were performed according to the metastasis and infiltration of the disease, the size, number, shape and type of the bump. In the case of total resection, I had to take hormone medication for the rest of my life after thyroid cancer surgery.In addition, in the case of side-saving drugs, hormone drugs had to be taken as needed as a way to remove some of them.

After surgery for thyroid cancer, radioactive iodine treatment had to be considered before management. The method responded while taking it to eliminate residual cancer cells in the thyroid gland.In rare cases, radiation therapy could be applied if the lesion does not respond, there is a risk of metastasis or recurrence. I could also choose a plan to take anticancer drugs while progressing so that I can’t write them down.

After surgery for thyroid cancer, radioactive iodine treatment had to be considered before management. The method responded while taking it to eliminate residual cancer cells in the thyroid gland.In rare cases, radiation therapy could be applied if the lesion does not respond, there is a risk of metastasis or recurrence. I could also choose a plan to take anticancer drugs while progressing so that I can’t write them down.

Fortunately, among all cancer species, thyroid cancer had a fairly positive prognosis if the survival rate was higher. However, if your health condition has not been good, you should choose a medical institution that can manage your immune system, physical strength, and health in detail after thyroid cancer surgery. The types of side effects that could occur during treatment were hair loss, misjudgment, vomiting, nausea, and anorexia, and strengthening the immune system to recover after resection. In addition, immunization was the process of preventing cancer resistance and relapse and helping people return to healthy daily life. Since there are various medical institutions, I would like you to check whether they are systematically cared for according to your condition and consider warm consideration and care to balance your treatment at oriental hospitals and nursing hospitals.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image